AND JEREMY (22/09) (:
Saviour, He can move the mountains
My God is mighty to save, He is mighty to save
Forever, author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave,
Jesus conquered the grave
My whole life, it goes out to YouCan't escape the way I feel for YouShow me Your wayShow me Your way.Found love beyond all reason
You gave Your life, Your all for me
And called me Yours forever.
Caught in the mercy fallout
Found hope, found life, found all I need
You're all I need.
Suddenly hot for Praise&Worship songs!<3 I like 'Goes out to You' by CCC Youth from their No Longer I album.
Believe it or not, I've been studying. Sigh. Tiring man! Heh. I've made a decision to be a mugger next year! (IMPORTANT NOTE: I AM NOT DRUNK/INTOXICATED/INSANE/CRAZY) Yeah. Cause studying is important!
Er, on Saturday went for Strikeforce and got a sunburn ahahaha. I still look drunk, my face is pinked and its feeling very warm. ): hot. Then went for cg and then went to town to meet up with Julian! Went to get Huimin's present.(: Then we were like walking around. Oh and we went to Coffee Club for lunch at like.. five? Guess it should be called dinner. And he was going ON and ON and ON about someone.... Ahahaha.
SERVICE TODAY!<33 Saw like alottt of people. Cause this is the last lesson in the Making Marriage Work series. Haha. And a rosee! But it wasn't blue.):
and all the girls: You all are #1Heroines! (heh, we're more important than the guys)
9:41 PM;
Suga suga, how you get so fly?
neuroticWhat happened to Miss Independent's no longer need to be defensive?Come to bed, baby.
You're not serious, are you?
On a lighter note, Mom got me a new pair of Topshop jeans in the 'petite' size (haha, Eugene, it's not just SHORT k. (: ) and a pretty new pair of heels! Love!<3 I want more formal longsleeve tops. And I need to run more. JANE ONG HUILI STOP PANGSEH-ING!!!!!!!!)):
8:51 PM;
Suga suga, how you get so fly?
10:45 PM;
Suga suga, how you get so fly?
Ooooooohh Westlife;
10:15 PM;
Suga suga, how you get so fly?
I am sososososososoooooo lazy to put on makeup when I leave the house! Ahahahaha. I don't know how the 'it' girls do it. I don't even use concealer, and I have the most awful eye bags. I think I have more time to do my nails than experiment with makeup. Never been much of a makeup junkie, really. Aiyaahhhh. There're people asking me to 'do something about my face'. Admittedly, I really need to do something. To use Hendy's words, I'm 'turning into a panda' too!
2:03 PM;
Suga suga, how you get so fly?
It was as though something large and scaly erupted into life in Harry's stomach, clawing at his inside: hot blood seemed to flood his brain, so that all thought was extinguished, replaced by a savage urge to jinx Dean into a jelly.Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
4:50 PM;
Suga suga, how you get so fly?
And I never thought I'd feel this way, and as far as I'm concerned
I'm glad I got the chance to say that I do believe I love you.
And if I should ever go away, well then close your eyes and try to feel the way we do today
And then if you can remember
Keep smiling, keep shining,
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure.
That's what friends are for.
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forevermore
That's what friends are for <3
I love you, Strikeforce.
For a shield, from the storm
For a friend, for a love to keep me safe and warm
I turn to you
For the strength to be strong
For the will to carry on
For everything you do
For everything that's true
I turn to you.
11:24 PM;
Suga suga, how you get so fly?
10:58 PM;
Suga suga, how you get so fly?
First bouquet ever(:
"Blue roses will blossom in the snow,
before I ever let you go.
Blue roses will grow up to the sky,
before I ever make you cry."
8:36 PM;
Suga suga, how you get so fly?
I found a few ridiculously old photos in my computer.
Nette&I, Home Econs room in front of the oven,
For cleaner public toilets?
Buona Vista/Holland Village HDB area
Can't remember what this is.
But I think it was done during a sleepover.
Oh, shucks, this.
And omg this hahahaha Jere did it in photoshop, I think.
2005, definitely.
Ahahahahaha. :]
12:04 PM;
Suga suga, how you get so fly?
Aloysius said whenever he looks at my face, it makes him think of two words:
Sigh): Life's unfair.
Anyway thanks Sukardi for the belated birthday present<3
10:58 PM;
Suga suga, how you get so fly?